This lesson is being piloted (Beta version)

Collective Operations


Teaching: 10 min
Exercises: 20 min
  • What other useful functions does MPI have?

  • Introduce collective operations.

Display Language  

Collective Operations

There are several special cases that are implemented in the MPI standard. The most commonly-used are:


 int MPI_Barrier( MPI_Comm communicator )
def barrier(self)

Wait (doing nothing) until all ranks have reached this line.


 int MPI_Bcast(
    void* data,
    int count,
    MPI_Datatype datatype,
    int root,
    MPI_Comm communicator)
MPI_Bcast(buffer, count, datatype, root, COMM, IERROR)
    <type>    buffer(*)
    INTEGER    count, datatype, root, COMM, IERROR
def bcast(self, obj, int root=0)

Each rank sending a piece of data to root rank

Very similar to MPI_Send, but the same data is sent from rank root to all ranks. This function will only return once all processes have reached it, meaning it has the side-effect of acting as a barrier.


 int MPI_Scatter(
    void* sendbuf,
    int sendcount,
    MPI_Datatype sendtype,
    void* recvbuffer,
    int recvcount,
    MPI_Datatype recvtype,
    int root,
    MPI_Comm communicator)
MPI_Scatter(sendbuf, sendcount, sendtype, recvbuffer, recvcount,
        recvcount, root, COMM, IERROR)
    <type>    sendbuf(*), recvbuf(*)
    INTEGER    sendcount, sendtype, recvcount, recvtype, root
def scatter(self, sendobj, int root=0)

Each rank sending a piece of data to root rank

The data in the sendbuf on rank root is split into chunks and each chunk is sent to a different rank. Each chunk contains sendcount elements of type sendtype. So if sendtype is MPI_Int, and sendcount is 2, each rank will receive 2 integers. The received data is written to the recvbuf, so the sendbuf is only needed by the root. The next two parameters, recvcount and recvtype describe the receive buffer. Usually recvtype is the same as sendtype and recvcount is Nranks*sendcount.


int MPI_Gather(
    void* sendbuf,
    int sendcount,
    MPI_Datatype sendtype,
    void* recvbuffer,
    int sendcount,
    MPI_Datatype recvtype,
    int root,
    MPI_Comm communicator)
MPI_Gather(sendbuf, sendcount, sendtype, recvbuf, recvcount,
        recvtype, root, COMM, IERROR)
    <type>    sendbuf(*), recvbuf(*)
    INTEGER    sendcount, sendtype, recvcount, recvtype, root
def gather(self, sendobj, int root=0)

Each rank sending a piece of data to root rank

Each rank sends the data in the sendbuf to rank root. The root collects the data into the recvbuffer in order of the rank numbers.

Sending and Receiving

In the morning we wrote a hello world program where each rank sends a message to rank 0. Write this using a gather instead of send and receive.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <mpi.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
 int rank, n_ranks, numbers_per_rank;
 char send_message[40], *receive_message;

 // First call MPI_Init
 MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
 // Get my rank and the number of ranks
 MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
 MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &n_ranks);

 // Allocate space for all received messages in receive_message
 receive_message = malloc( n_ranks*40*sizeof(char) );

 //Use gather to send all messages to rank 0
 sprintf(send_message, "Hello World, I'm rank %d\n", rank);
 MPI_Gather( send_message, 40, MPI_CHAR, receive_message, 40, MPI_CHAR, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
 if(rank == 0){
    for( int i=0; i<n_ranks; i++){
      printf("%s", receive_message + i*40);
 // Free memory and finalise
 free( receive_message );
 return MPI_Finalize();


program hello

   implicit none
   include "mpif.h"
   integer n_ranks, rank, sender, ierr
   character(len=40) send_message
   character, dimension(:), allocatable :: receive_message

   ! First call MPI_Init
   call MPI_Init(ierr)

   ! Get my rank and the number of ranks
   call MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, rank, ierr)
   call MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, n_ranks, ierr)

   ! Allocate space for all received messages in receive_message
   allocate ( receive_message(n_ranks*40) )

   ! Use gather to send all messages to rank 0
   write(send_message,*) "Hello World, I'm rank", rank
   call MPI_Gather( send_message, 40, MPI_CHARACTER, receive_message, 40, MPI_CHARACTER, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr )
   if (rank == 0) then
       do sender = 1, n_ranks-1
           write(6,*) receive_message(40*sender: 40*(sender+1))
       end do
   end if

   ! Free memory and finalise
   deallocate( receive_message )
   call MPI_Finalize(ierr)


from mpi4py import MPI

# Get my rank and the number of ranks
rank = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank()
n_ranks = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_size()

# Use gather to send all messages to rank 0
send_message = "Hello World, I'm rank {:d}".format(rank)
receive_message = MPI.COMM_WORLD.gather(send_message, root=0)

if rank == 0:
    for i in range(n_ranks):


int MPI_Reduce(
    void* sendbuf,
    void* recvbuffer,
    int count,
    MPI_Datatype datatype,
    MPI_Op op,
    int root,
    MPI_Comm communicator)
MPI_Reduce(sendbuf, recvbuf, count, datatype, op, root, COMM,
    <type>    sendbuf(*), recvbuf(*)
    INTEGER    count, datatype, op, root, COMM, IERROR
def reduce(self, sendobj, op=SUM, int root=0)

Each rank sending a piece of data to root rank

Each rank sends a piece of data, which are combined on their way to rank root into a single piece of data. For example, the function can calculate the sum of numbers distributed across all the ranks.

Possible operations include:

In Python, these operations are named MPI.SUM, MPI.MAX, MPI.MIN, and so on.

The MPI_Reduce operation is usually faster than what you might write by hand. It can apply different algorithms depending on the system it’s running on to reach the best possible performance. This is particularly the case on systems designed for high performance computing, where the MPI_Reduce operations can use the communication devices to perform reductions en route, without using any of the ranks to do the calculation.


int MPI_Allreduce(
     void* sendbuf,
     void* recvbuffer,
     int count,
     MPI_Datatype datatype,
     MPI_Op op,
     MPI_Comm communicator)
MPI_Allreduce(sendbuf, recvbuf, count, datatype, op, COMM, IERROR)
    <type>    sendbuf(*), recvbuf(*)
    INTEGER    count, datatype, op, COMM, IERROR
def allreduce(self, sendobj, op=SUM)

Each rank sending a piece of data to root rank

MPI_Allreduce performs essentially the same operations as MPI_Reduce, but the result is sent to all the ranks.


The following program creates an array called vector that contains a list of n_numbers on each rank. The first rank contains the numbers from 1 to n_numbers, the second rank from n_numbers to 2*n_numbers2 and so on. It then calls the find_max and find_sum functions that should calculate the sum and maximum of the vector.

These functions are not implemented in parallel and only return the sum and the maximum of the local vectors. Modify the find_sum and find_max functions to work correctly in parallel using MPI_Reduce or MPI_Allreduce.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <mpi.h>

// Calculate the sum of numbers in a vector
double find_sum( double * vector, int N ){
   double sum = 0;
   for( int i=0; i<N; i++){
      sum += vector[i];
   return sum;

// Find the maximum of numbers in a vector
double find_maximum( double * vector, int N ){
   double max = 0;
   for( int i=0; i<N; i++){
      if( vector[i] > max ){
         max = vector[i];
   return max;

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
   int n_numbers = 1024;
   int rank;
   double vector[n_numbers];
   double sum, max;
   double my_first_number;

   // First call MPI_Init
   MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);

   // Get my rank
   MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);

   // Each rank will have n_numbers numbers,
   // starting from where the previous left off
   my_first_number = n_numbers*rank;

   // Generate a vector
   for( int i=0; i<n_numbers; i++){
      vector[i] = my_first_number + i;

   //Find the sum and print
   sum = find_sum( vector, n_numbers );
   printf("The sum of the numbers is %f\n", sum);

   //Find the maximum and print
   max = find_maximum( vector, n_numbers );
   printf("The largest number is %f\n", max);

   // Call finalize at the end
   return MPI_Finalize();
program sum_and_max

  implicit none
  include "mpif.h"

  integer rank, n_ranks, ierr
  integer, parameter :: n_numbers=10
  real vector(n_numbers)
  real vsum, vmax, my_first_number
  integer i

  ! First call MPI_Init
  call MPI_Init(ierr)

  ! Get my rank and the number of ranks
  call MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, rank, ierr)

  ! Each rank will have n_numbers numbers,
  ! starting from where the previous left
  my_first_number = n_numbers*rank;

  ! Set the vector
  do i = 1, n_numbers
     vector(i) = my_first_number + i
  end do

  ! Find the sum and print
  call find_sum( vector, n_numbers, vsum )
  write(6,*) "Sum = ", vsum

  ! Find the maximum and print
  call find_max( vector, n_numbers, vmax )
  write(6,*) "Maximum = ", vmax

  ! Call MPI_Finalize at the end
  call MPI_Finalize(ierr)


  ! Calculate the sum of numbers in a vector
  subroutine find_sum( vector, N, vsum )
     real, intent(in) :: vector(:)
     real, intent(inout) :: vsum
     integer, intent(in) :: N
     integer i
     vsum = 0
     do i = 1, N
        vsum = vsum + vector(i)
     end do

  end subroutine find_sum

  ! Find the maximum of numbers in a vector
  subroutine find_max( vector, N, vmax )
     real, intent(in) :: vector(:)
     real, intent(inout) :: vmax
     integer, intent(in) :: N
     integer i
     vmax = 0
     do i = 1, N
        if (vmax < vector(i)) then
           vmax = vector(i)
        end if
     end do

  end subroutine find_max
from mpi4py import MPI

# Calculate the sum of numbers in a vector
def find_sum(vector):
    my_sum = 0.0
    for i in range(len(vector)):
        my_sum += vector[i]
    return my_sum

# Find the maximum of numbers in a vector
def find_maximum(vector):
    my_max = 0.0
    for i in range(len(vector)):
        if vector[i] > my_max:
            my_max = vector[i]
    return my_max

n_numbers = 1024

# Get my rank
rank = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank()

# Each rank will have n_numbers numbers,
# starting from where the previous left off
my_first_number = n_numbers*rank

# Generate a vector
vector = []
for i in range(n_numbers):
    vector.append(float(my_first_number + i))

# Find the sum and print
my_sum = find_sum(vector)
print("The sum of the numbers is", my_sum)

# Find the maximum and print
my_max = find_maximum(vector)
print("The largest number is", my_max)


// Calculate the sum of numbers in a vector
double find_sum( double * vector, int N ){
   double sum = 0;
   double global_sum;

   // Calculate the sum on this rank as before
   for( int i=0; i<N; i++){
      sum += vector[i];

   // Call MPI_Allreduce to find the full sum
   MPI_Allreduce( &sum, &global_sum, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD );

   return global_sum;

// Find the maximum of numbers in a vector
double find_maximum( double * vector, int N ){
   double max = 0;
   double global_max;

   // Calculate the sum on this rank as before
   for( int i=0; i<N; i++){
      if( vector[i] > max ){
         max = vector[i];

   // Call MPI_Allreduce to find the maximum over all the ranks
   MPI_Allreduce( &max, &global_max, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, MPI_COMM_WORLD );

   return global_max;



  ! Calculate the sum of numbers in a vector
  subroutine find_sum( vector, N, global_sum )
     implicit none
     include "mpif.h"

     real, intent(in) :: vector(:)
     real, intent(inout) :: global_sum
     real vsum
     integer, intent(in) :: N
     integer i, ierr
     vsum = 0
     do i = 1, N
        vsum = vsum + vector(i)
     end do

     ! Call MPI_Allreduce to find the full sum
     call MPI_Allreduce( vsum, global_sum, 1, MPI_REAL, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr )

  end subroutine find_sum

  ! Find the maximum of numbers in a vector
  subroutine find_max( vector, N, global_max )
     implicit none
     include "mpif.h"

     real, intent(in) :: vector(:)
     real, intent(inout) :: global_max
     real vmax
     integer, intent(in) :: N
     integer i, ierr
     vmax = 0
     do i = 1, N
        if (vmax < vector(i)) then
           vmax = vector(i)
        end if
     end do

     ! Call MPI_Allreduce to find the full maximum
     call MPI_Allreduce( vmax, global_max, 1, MPI_REAL, MPI_MAX, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr )

  end subroutine find_max


from mpi4py import MPI

# Calculate the sum of numbers in a vector
def find_sum(vector):
    my_sum = 0.0

    for i in range(len(vector)):
        my_sum += vector[i]

    global_sum = MPI.COMM_WORLD.allreduce(my_sum, op=MPI.SUM)

    return global_sum

# Find the maximum of numbers in a vector
def find_maximum(vector):
    my_max = 0.0

    for i in range(len(vector)):
        if vector[i] > my_max:
            my_max = vector[i]

    global_max = MPI.COMM_WORLD.allreduce(my_max, op=MPI.SUM)

    return global_max

Key Points

  • Use MPI_Barrier for global synchronisation.

  • All-to-All, One-to-All and All-to-One communications have efficient implementation in the library.

  • There are functions for global reductions. Don’t write your own.